I’m testing the waters to gauge the interest in a springtime trip to the Thompson-Nicola and Nahatlach areas in BC. In past years, getting over Kookipi Cr FSR has been a no go in late April, so I’m thinking May 11-13 this year. I know that’s Mother’s day – but the following weekend is the 1st Canadian long weekend of the season and the place will be crawling with the devils. We could try May 4-6 , but it could be a bit snowy yet. The area between highways 5 and 1 has a lot to offer in power line roads, plus we could check the access to the “mini-whipsaw” – though it probably won’t be accessible until August. I wouldn’t mind making a two night trip of it, but I wouldn’t likely make the border before 6pm that Friday. I’ll be up in BC in March and April so I will likely do a bit of scouting at the lower elevations just to see whats changed since 2016. Here’s the core route:

Let me know if this is an interesting trip.
Thanks -.b
Thanks everyone for a great trip! Here's link to more in "Trip Reports".
Camping near Hope on Friday
Airing down on Saturday morning
Getting to try out the Silky Katanaboy
Getting to try out the Maxtrax
Getting to try out the winch...
And winching again...
Bryan looking slightly perplexed while fixing a flat with his favorite jack.
Waiting in North Bend for the train crossing...the train was parked.
Our incredible camping spot by Nahatlatch Lake
John tending to the wounded.
The Nahatlach river was incredible; Rover for scale.
Keith's injury wasn't the worst thing we saw all day...but it was still a good breakfast in Hope!
Thanks for the great trip, Bryan and everyone else.
I got a text from Ryan that his dad was stitched up and they are back in the US and doing well.
I’m going to try and upload some photos to this thread. Not sure if videos work though.
Hello folks. Looking forward to this trip. First one in yellow mellow (my little Jeep Wrangler TJ).
Thanks Ryan - if you have questions and can't make the call, just ring me @ 425 760-7519.
Hey, this is my first trip with NWOL so I am really excited. I will try to be in the conference call on Wednesday but I might not be able to stay long since it is in the middle of my work shift.
Thanks for the link John. I can confirm they will take your citrus.....and make you feel stupid when they do :)
I'm really looking forward to the trip.
Sorry I missed yesterday's conference call - I'll make every effort to participate in tomorrow evening's call.
Here's a link that some might find helpful: http://inspection.gc.ca/food/information-for-consumers/travellers/what-can-i-bring-into-canada-/eng/1389648337546/1389648516990
Hi all,
I'm really looking forward to the trip this weekend! I haven't heard from a few folks that signed up for the trip so I just want to re-iterate that we will be meeting at 6 pm Friday 5/4 @ the Chevron in Sumas. From there we'll head north to our Friday night campsite (about 2 hrs).
I know that there is at least one more space available if someone wants to come along. Respond here or hit me at bryan.hoult@gmail.com if you would like to go or have questions.
Hi Bryan,
I missed yesterdays call and I can't make Wednesday, we spoke on the phone already last week; let me know if there is anything important I missed. I can give you a call this week also if needed.
A couple of updates for the May 4-6 BC adventure trip. One attendee has dropped off so there is room if someone would like to go. Just reach out to me here and I'll get it set up.
The snow is hanging in above 2500 ft pretty late this year. We may need to alter our destinations a bit to avoid deep snow. I am pretty sure we won't be able to drive from Boston Bar to Harrison lake at this point, so we'll spend more time investigating between Hwy 1 and Hwy 5. Here's the main routes we'll try to take spurs from to get some views and over-landing joy:
Remember that going to Canada takes a passport or "enhanced" driver's license. Also, items for personal defense are restricted at the border. (I also learned that transporting citrus causes an international incident - the hard way :)
Let me know if you have any questions and be sure to join the conference calls this week if you can (see previous post).
Thanks -.b
I've set up a couple of 1/2 hour conference calls for the coming week to discuss trip details and questions anyone may have. If you are attending the BC Adventure trip, please try to join either Sunday 4/29 @ 730pm or Wednesday 5/2 @ 730pm.
Join by phone
+1 (844) 348-1173 (Toll Free) (NA Region) English (United States)
Conference ID: 87737905
Thanks -.b
Sounds good Bryan.
Hi all,
For the first night we're going to head for Murray Lake 49°48'07.9"N 121°00'18.7"W
It doesn't look like the snow will have cleared enough for us to get over the Kookipi FSR to E. Harrison, so we'll spend more time exploring the area between Hwy 1 and Hwy 5. I'll check in with more info as the trip nears.
Thanks Hannah - we'll catch you on another trip for sure.
Looks like I'm going to have to bow out of the trip. Some family stuff going on and I might not be in town.
Great signing up!
Your 4Runner will be fine. There may be some patches of snow, but if too deep or too long we'll find another route.
Is there much snow wheeling? Just wondering if my stick 4Runner will be okay.
Cool Hannah! It'll be awesome to have you along.