We're a bit over a month out from our fall trip into Douglas Creek & Slack Canyon. All looks well at this point. Weather in central Washington has been great! Clear, cool and dry. I anticipate some additional precipitation by early November. Its best to prepare for cool weather. I've gone to bed with clear skies and found a couple of inches of fresh snow the next morning!
Please bring some firewood. We've had some great campfires on these trips.
Also, if anyone wants to camp Friday night, making a two-night trip of it, I'm open to that. We'd need to get an early start on Saturday morning to make the 0900 meetup at the Rock Island Shell Station.
With the cool weather, I'm likely to lead us out via the "adventurous" route on Sunday, which is an awful lot of fun and beautiful. This route will produce brush scratches! I'll bring a saw and loppers, but, there will be brush scratches. I promise to NOT lead us down into "winch canyon" where I mistakenly went early last spring. That was a bit more adventurous than I'd intended!
Discussion opened, but I may not be real active in it for a while, am going to be "off grid" for a couple of weeks in early October.
Rolling out in about 15 minutes. So far I only know of Ole and us camping out tonight. Shoot me a text if anyone else wants to meet up at Dustys before heading up Swakane. 206.818.7848
We had a cancellation Scott. You're welcome to join us.
The trip is closed - anyone on the waitlist want to wander around with me in the Douglas Creek area this weekend ?
How big of a fire do you want 😈 ? I have a bunch that I will bring along. Some of it is crating 2x4s with nails but I am bringing a magnet to fish them out.
I won't be camping Friday night but will meet everyone at the Rock Island truck stop, Saturday morning. Weather here in the Wenatchee area has been cool and rainy. I'll bring some wood for a campfire. More will help! :)
Looking forward to it! Anyone else care to join us for a delicious Friday evening dinner at Dusty's?
Speaking of eating... I'm also thinking of getting breakfast at BJ's at Rock Island ~8am on Saturday.
We'll be headed out there Friday again. Probably hit your burger joint same as last time then head up Swakane.
Anyone else interested in camping somewhere Friday night?
Much warmer than last year! Maybe some rain? At any rate, this should be a good trip! :)
So, looking at some long range weather forecasts it looks like it'll be relatively warm and broken sun (yes, I know this is the kiss of death and will cause the weather to turn nasty - that's my plan. It's more fun that way 😎 )
Looks like I'm going to have to bow out. Work is ramping up and I'm working a lot of weekends again. Unfortunately I don't know if I'm working the weekend or not until that Thursday...which makes planning anything a pain. It wouldn't be fair to take up a spot preventing someone that can commit, then find out the week of that I can't make it. I will hopefully catch up with you guys on another trip...hopefully before NWOR next year.
Speaking of campfires, how could ANY compare to the one in Douglas camp last March? That wa just epic!
Back from Montana and Wyoming. Looking forward to this trip!
Hey, winch out canyon was fun! Doubt it could ever be the same again.
We camped up Swakane last year with Ole, we would be up for doing the same this year. Also up for the adventure route on the way out and a redemption detour to Winchers Canyon, haha!
LOL @ winch out canyon! We will be on the winthrop to Loomis trip that weekend. Have a gr8 trip all!
If it's the campsite I think it is, be mindful at the top section of it at the turn around. Some dipwads dumped a bunch of nails up there. We came across them (i.e. noticed we were parked on them) on the Rally trip we did through there.
Ya Ole, we stayed in Swakane one time, then zipped over to meet everyone at the Rock Island Shell Station. That worked just fine. I'd be up for that again. Was just at that campsite a week or so ago. It's still in great shape.
We're looking forward to it too. Had originally thought I would take the truck/camper, but probably be rolling in the old 4Runner. A LOT more nimble and fun to drive, it's been feeling left out lately so it needs a good run 😎
Definitely looking forward to this trip, and yes I'm planning to come out and camp on Friday night!
Swakane Canyon?