Started my weekend thinking I was going to have to Solo camp all weekend. I will tell you that I hike by myself all the time, camping by myself was taking some courage. I thought about every reason why I shouldn't...... I started my drive on the FS23 up towards High Steel bridge then took the loop around to Brown Creek Campground for my first night. I started my adventure on my new fantastic gadget the Garmin InReach that has texting ability. Aaron Kravik saw my post and connected with me, because they were going to be driving Right by me headed to the Wynoochee Dam. (which is where I was headed win.) Met up with an awesome group and headed to the Dam. Most of these roads I already knew, but DJ who we met at the Dam showed us some really cool stuff. An old logging camp location that still had a running natural artisian spring that we all took a moment to taste. Some more awesome bridges and beautiful running rivers. DJ also took us up to about 2200ft for a view of the Pacific Ocean and Lake Quinault. The drive took us to the highway that led us to our last spot for the adventure. The shore of the Hoh River. We all set up camp, gathered around the fire, ate dinner and shared lots of stories. I soaked in all the knoweledge they offered. Took some more digs for not having a spare tire or a plug kit LOL!! (today I bought some stuff, more on that later). I have always loved driving around and exporing by foot or by 4 tires. I am always all smiles behind the wheel of my rig. Thank you for taking the time to read my trail report and it has inspired you to get out there and enjoy the drive not the ride!!

I think that sounds like a great idea!
hmmm 🤔 sounds like a ladies trip definently needs to be planned 😁
And the husband's get to go fishing in Alaska :-)