Been ill for months and still recuperating. Enjoyed going over Haller Pass today with my boy. Took the van over to Hwy 70 to see how close we could get to Kelly Butte. Stopped before we hit snow. Was on the old site as nonhog. Will update when able. Seems to be super slow uploading pics. (probably my laptop)
Hardly recognized Haller Pass. Wondering in my head where that amazing lookout camp spot is that overlooks the West fork of the White river and of course the mountain. Is that off 73?
I'll figure it out.
Dying to hike again but will deal with driving around till my joints are closer to normal.
Looking forward to a campout someday soon with some members.

I know how you must feel. For most of 2014, I was in a wheel chair and still using a walker and cane for some of 2015. I couldn't even get into my T100, not alone drive it with a broken hip and shattered arm. It feels great to be back in the woods!
It's up 7560 by lonesome Lake
Glad to hear you’re back at it! Have fun and be sure to post some pics when you have better reception. Be safe and hope to see you on the trail soon!