When you are concerned about trading your cars then you need to understand and comprehend the fact that car trading is not simply buying or selling something that you can do on an everyday basis. You can do it on an everyday basis too but then that would be only if you are a professional dealer and most people who decide to go for auto for trade are not professional car dealers. However, the benefits of trading your cars are that you get to buy and drive a new vehicle which is less likely to break down and provide long-term service. What other benefits might be there?
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I have a Sport with AC. Like @Aaron Kravik said, it's hard to imagine NOT getting AC in a vehicle these days...
In my case, unload a mistake. Had I picked a different Jeep, I would undoubtedly still have it. The one I chose had no air conditioning (I incorrectly assumed that with the top off it was wasted money and weight - little did I know that being covered in gritty dust stuck to sweat is no fun). It also had gremlins that three rounds of service still didn’t get right.
So, I took a big hit and traded in on a Taco. I have a couple gripes about the engineering but nothing a clipped wire and bigger tires can’t solve.