So, the other day, I was wrapping up the attendees list to the TNT2021 trip and noticed that there were a couple members who had committed to the trip, but had not yet formalized their attendance.
I reach out to them to request they sign up and our good friend, Tony, replied back that he was kind of busy at the moment.
I thought to myself, "Well, no big deal. He can just sign up when he gets a moment. Then he sent be a short video of what he was preoccupied with! WOW!
Yep, Good ole' Tony was caught at the site of Iceland's, Geldingadalir volcano during a peak eruption! CRAZY!!!
Tony also sent a couple pictures of his adventure vehicle on a Tundra Expedition while in Iceland. We chatted a bit and will probably schedule this for next year.

Very cool!
I have it on our events calendar for next June!
I really want to visit Iceland someday.
Tires? Or balloons!
More fodder from our Icelandic Explorer...
A serious Defender 110...
Now, that’s a tire...