This is just one of many gems we'll be pulling over from the old forum.
Patrick Tingley: I'm curious, what others shoot with?
Right now I have a Nikon D3100, a Nikkor 18-55mm F5.6, Nikkor 55-200 F5.6, Nikkor 55-300mm F5.6, Nikkor 50mm 1.8D, and a Nikkor 55-200mm non-af lens.

Photo Credit:
I just got the prime lens so I am still learning how to shoot with it, and it is full manual with my camera which is fine, it forces me to move my feet or change settings in the camera.
I was pretty stoked the other day I figured out how to do star shots, now I need to get out to a really dark area and get some good ones. JB and I were thinking about doing a class for that, be kinda fun.
I really need to sit down and work with Lightroom and Photoshop, just hate sitting through the monotone videos lol….
When I am on the trail, I have three cameras that I use. The first being a Nikon D750 (Full sensor), a Nikon D7500 (Cropped Sensor) and an attached camera on a DJI Drone. I usually limit my lens selection to 300mm and below...It is too damn awkward on expedition with a 500mm LOL. I do have several prime lenses (35, 50 and 85) and all my lenses are interchangable with either of my two Nikon bodies. I do enjoy photography, have several photo collections and just finished publication of my latest, titled "Overlanding the Washington State Backcountry Discovery Route". Photographing other's jeeps in action lets off steam and is good practice (see below)
Just picked up a Nikon D7200 (upgrade from my old D40) for my primary digi. It's most likely way more camera than I'll ever need...but I missed the feeling of my old Nikon N50 that traveled the world with me back in the mid '90s (D40 feels light & plasticy in comparison).
I also went on a bit of a spree on eBay picking up some old 35mm film cameras on the cheap (mostly). Grabbed a Nikon N90 that will likely take over as my primary film camera. Then also picked up a couple older manual focus cameras to take me back to when I was learning (and fell in love) with photography. Some of those include Nikon FA, Minolta X-700, Olympus OM-4, and a Yashica FR-1. I like to think of it as a usable collection.
Most trips I will probably only have the D7200 & N90 with me.
I'm nothing more than an enthusiastic amatuer...but I have fun with it. Haha.
If I'm getting paid to shoot it's a pair of Canon 1Dx2's and the associated mountain of glass, if it's personal I'm typically traveling light with a Fuji XT-1 kit.
I just sold my Canon EOS 5D Mark III and switched went Sony Mirrorless.
Having owned the standard "Pro" setup with the Canon gear I realized that I rarely had my camera with me because it was just too big. All my good photos were coming from my iPhone instead. I decided it was time to sell all my gear and downsize to the mirrorless equipment.
After extensive research, renting a bunch of equipment, I ultimately I decided that even the full frame mirrorless gear (Sony A7R III) was too big for travel due to the size of the lenses and overall weight. I made the unconventional choice of intentionally choosing the crop sensor sony (a6000 series) over their full frame series and couldn't be happier.
I rented a Sony a6300 for a trip to Thailand and shot with it all week. It worked well, but was missing the ability to geotag my photos, and I didn't like the standard kit lenses I bought with the camera. I'm currently shooting with a Sony a6500 and Sony-Zeiss 16-70mm lens. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this setup. Crazy good pictures, super light, lens has the perfect all around focal range when traveling, and I can transfer my pictures to my iPhone/iPad (or Android) wirelessly so I don't even need to have my computer with me to share them.
- Sony a6500
- Sony-Zeiss 16-70mm glass - 24-105mm full frame equivalent.
Sony RX-100
Another choice for those wanting to go even smaller is the Sony RX-100. It looks like a point and shoot, but is waaaaay better and significantly cheaper and crazy small/light (pocket sized).
Canon 7D MkII but curious about new full-frame mirrorless cameras, especially if Canon releases one. Also use a Canon G9X as my pocket camera and a YI 4K+ action cam.
I primarily use a Fujifilm X-Pro 2 and/or Fujifilm X-T1 with various lenses.
I was a pro in the olden days of film. Shot mostly automotive stuff for manufacturers on large format. Relearning the craft with a Canon 6d and 7d MKII and a collection of L glass. I carry most of it all the time cuz'ya never know when the shot comes at ya ( or flies away. )
We use pentax equipment here. Mostly what we shoot with is made by RUGER! LOL