We had an amazing time on Sunday at Adventure Tacoma! Thank you again Griot's Garage, it was fantastic to connect with so many people passionate about the overlanding lifestyle!
The day started out with 10 NWOL rigs rollin' up to sport their gear. It didn't take but a few minutes to realize there was almost 10 more waiting in the lurks just in case there was room. Griot's was gracious and we were able to squeeze everyone in.
The best part was connecting with so many NWOLanders. In many cases, as with Fred Dear, we've been connecting online for years and finally caught up in-person. There was some fun chatter with Ben at Firearms Radio Network about hooking up to do some fun podcasts around overlanding and the upcoming Rally. Looking forward to connecting Ben!
Patrick Haight at The Camp Bar in Tacoma, WA was awesome and gave us a $25 gift card to giveaway. As luck would have it, our new Tacoma transplant Zach Perry was the winner. CONGRATS Zach and thank you Patrick!
We also gave away a $25 Amazon gift card to Terry with Caffewerks!
We were so darn busy connecting and having a good time, we forgot to take many pics, so we're hoping there's a few of you out there that can add yours to the feed below.
Looking forward to many more fun opportunities to connect as we turn the corner into Spring!
See you on the trail!

I think Ben Allread had a few he posted on FB, T.J.
Not sure how to load multiple pictures while on mobile...
Did anyone get pictures if the LMTV? I want one...
I came a bit after noon and rigs were clearing out. I did get to talk with Adam from Torfab with the 1989 Fj62 Land Cruiser with a 2.8 liter Cummins.