Tom hopped in the Jeep this morning and we pre-ran the Douglas Creek route that we'll use on Friday and Saturday during the Rally. It's dry out there, so fire danger is possible. The water crossings were easy, nothing over 18" this time. We did encounter some very tight, brushy areas and my Jeep picked up fresh "pinstriping." Saws and loppers will be useful.
The Duffy Creek exit to Indian Camp Road is in good shape, for a narrow, steep, rocky and rutted route! :) Wildflowers were abundant. We saw a lot of wildlife. I'd recommend airing down and using low-range once we're off pavement.
Slack Canyon/Douglas Creek:

Creek was flowing well, but not very deep:

Wildflowers were more abundant than I'd anticipated:

There were some very tight and brushy areas. Yes, this was on the actual road:

And the views as we climbed higher were excellent!

I'd recommend bringing a saw and/or loppers. Anticipate some brush scratches. Use low-range and air down. Be very careful about fire!
Also we did see a few bull snakes today. I'm very much looking forward to this trail run, at the Rally!
Regards, Guy
I would advise doing only the main route through Slack Canyon at this time, NOT the "adventurous" route out through Duffy Creek due to incredibly high fire danger. I deliberately avoid that route in the dry months of summer. There are already multiple wildfires blazing in Douglas County, some not far from there. The route out Duffy Creek has a great deal of high grass in the road, which could easily be ignited by hot exhaust systems. I only drive that route in the spring, or in the fall after temps have cooled and some rain has fallen.
Does anyone have a GPX file of this run? Looking to do it sometime next week.
Ha! Yes, I did go down into "winch-out canyon" :) It was much easier getting out this time. There is a watery hole down there though, that could swallow a rig...
Found the proper way out, and exited that way. It was a great drive.
Guy, that sure brings up some interesting memories! LOL. Did you go down into WINCH OUT canyon? Look forward to seeing you again in two weeks. Im doing a couple upgrades on the green XJ before the rally. New rear leaf springs, brackets for sway bay discos as well as new utility lights for sides and backup LED's.