Liberty State Overland Club Columbia River to Naneum Ridge Overland Trip By Clay & Doc Graham /

Around 10 AM Saturday September 5th, 2020, Liberty State Overland Club members met up at the Kittitas Shell Gas Station of I-90. On this day we started out with four Jeeps (1 YJ, 1 ZJ, 1 XJ, and 1 TJ).
We convoyed up the Vantage Highway to Whiskey Dick Creek Road and aired down. We ran Whiskey Dick Creek Road then up Cayuse Road and stop for lunch at the first place we could get to the Columbia River.
After lunch we continued north working our way up to Quilomene Ridge. At Quilomene Ridge Road we headed east and run down to Quilomene Bay.
At Quilomene Bay we took a hike out to the sand bar. Well we did not go all the way to the sand bar because the place was packed with people and boats. It was very loud from all of the boat stereos blaring. Our group decide to jump in the bay where there was not people. As some of our group swam, the rest of us checked out all the cool boats.
After everyone was finished swimming, we headed back up Quilomene Ridge Road and ran it onto Beacon Road into the Colockum Wildlife Area. We turned up Colockum Road and ran it to Naneum Ridge Road. We ran Naneum Ridge Road a few miles and then stopped to camp for the night. Charlie (Cook for Eastern Washington Chuckwagon) made dinner as we set up camp. Kevin (AKA TJ40) headed home after dinner.

The next morning after breakfast, we headed on up Naneum Ridge to Wenatchee Mountain. The view from Wenatchee Mountain was great. The north side of the ridge was nice. South of the ridge was real smokey due to the fire in the Little Naches Area and the Wenas Wildlife Area. Looking down at Mission Ridge you could see they are doing a lot of work to the ski area.
While we were at Wenatchee Mountain, some guys came up and open up one of the buildings. They gave us a tour of their radio building.
Next we headed down the mountain to Naneum Creek for lunch. There were a lot of people down at the creek when we got there. We drove up stream and found a place to pull off for lunch.
After lunch, we headed up Boulder Road and back down Coleman Road. We aired up at the Naneum Ridge State Forest entrance and headed for home.
This was a very fun trip thanks to all who came.
Here are more photos of LSOC Columbia River to Naneum Ridge Overland Trip: