in July we went out to try and find the recently discovered Mammoth Trackway Site near Christmas Valley, OR. The site is on BLM land but the exact location wasn’t publicly shared so it took a bit of investigating to find out the approximate location. I did just that and narrowed the possible location down, so we headed out to search!

Once we got to a good parking location we walked on foot. There were signs that said no vehicles pass this point but of course, sadly, we still saw lots of tire tracks.

We ended up splitting up to search. We finally found the tracks! These are from mammoths from approximately 43,000 years ago. In fact, they determined it was a family of mammoths, with one adult limping. It’s amazing they can figure that out!

We were very careful to not walk on the site itself. It was really cool to find and see in person. 😄 So if anyone is really into this kind of stuff, with investigating online, a little on foot, you can find the site.
The Christmas Vally area is full of great overland trips and things to’s one of our favorite areas to explore.
Very cool information and you're right, Christmas Valley is amazing.
Thanks for sharing your trip. Very cool!
That's awesome! I love stuff like that!