Myself and 3 other rigs headed out sunday morning to go find the new West Loop trail at tahuya state ORV Elfendahl Pass Staging Area (Tahuya ORV Park). (map location linked)
my 92 YJ on 33s
2 CJ7s on 35s
and a 94 YJ on 37s
what we found was an AWSOME 4x4 trail for experienced drivers. i was the smallest rig and was high centered about 4 times winched forward off of 2 of the obstacles and backed out of the other two. Everybody had a turn at some point at the end of a tow strap. i would suggest running the trail with 35s if you don't have a winch and plan to just use a tow strap

I was able to back off of this obstacle

I wish i had more pictures but there wasn't time, the trail really did keep you busy at almost every turn

Damage Report:
-Left CJ7 Jeep backed into a stump and mangled the exhaust all the way to the muffler. we had to used a high lift jack and a tow strap to straighten it back out enough so it wasn't rubbing his tire or his drive line
-The YJ wrangler on the right broke a universal joint on the driver side on a ford 8.8 getting a little to heavy into it in a log and rock combination obstacle
-The red CJ7 some how separated his exhaust at a connection presumably when he was high centered on a stump
- My green YJ I scratched a fender flare but it still counts lol
all the damage was avoidable if more time and consideration was taken.

The trail featured thick mud, deep ruts, off camber sections, log obstacles, large rocks.
I highly recommend the trail to experienced off roaders!

I Was down there with Qudrapaws on the 5th for their newbie run. I believe they were recommending running 35+ and lockers on that trail. Great group if your looking to learn the system they do a run the first Saturday of each month.
Looks like fun!
Sounds like a great obstacle course!