This is one of many gems we'll be pulling over from the old forum...
Derek Thom: Found this article on 4 Wheeler a while back, and wish I had found it sooner to plan the modifications to my Disco a little better.

Can anyone think of anything to add to this list that they didn’t touch on?
One thing I am about to upgrade (parts on order!) is the front braking system on my 97 Discovery SD. I am going to install (hopefully next week) Defender front calipers and vented discs. Should be a straight bolt-on upgrade with the only exception being the hard brake lines from calipers to flexible lines needs to be fabricated since the location is different than standard Disco calipers. My hope is that my truck will finally stop like a normal vehicle!
I am also replacing the rear calipers (still running originals @ 115K miles) but those are the same for the Disco and the Defender.